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Tablete de Chocolate 70% Cacau Zero Açúcar

10g Chocolate Tablet - 1.01 kg pack

We are a family owned and operated business.

10g Chocolate tablets developed for those who love pure and healthy chocolate.

Developed in various types of chocolate for all tastes, from chocolates with softer, bitter and very bitter flavors:

- Zero Sugar Coconut Milk

- White Chocolate with Zero Sugar Coconut Milk

- Chocolate 70% Cocoa Zero Sugar

- Chocolate 70% Cocoa with Brown Sugar

- Chocolate 80% Cocoa with Brown Sugar

- Chocolate 100% Cocoa Without Added Sugar (Liquor).

Zero sugar chocolates are sweetened with maltitol (natural sweetener).

We are a family owned and operated business.







  • VEGAN.

We are a family owned and operated business.

* zero added sugar : only for zero sugar chocolates

Chocolate Drops - 1.01 kg pack

We are a family owned and operated business.

Choconutry's chocolate drops were developed so that your recipes are even more delicious and healthy, with healthy ingredients, pure chocolates and an intense and delicious flavor.

Developed in several types of chocolate for all tastes:

- Zero Sugar Coconut Milk

- White Chocolate with Zero Sugar Coconut Milk

- Chocolate 54% Cocoa

- Chocolate 70% Cocoa Zero Sugar

- Chocolate 70% Cocoa with Brown Sugar

- Chocolate 80% Cocoa with Brown Sugar

- Chocolate 100% Cocoa Without Added Sugar (Liquor).

Zero sugar chocolates are sweetened with maltitol (natural sweetener).





  • 0% TRANS FAT


  • VEGAN.

We are a family owned and operated business.

* zero added sugar : only for zero sugar chocolates

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Gotas de Chocolate 70% Cacau
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Granulado de Chocolate Branco Zero Açúcar

50% Cocoa Chocolate Granules - 1.01 kg pack

We are a family owned and operated business.

Gourmet granules of pure semi-dark chocolate, of high quality, without the addition of hydrogenated fats and trans fats, made only with cocoa butter. All the ingredients used for the manufacture of this product are free of dyes, preservatives and flavorings, resulting in a crunchy granule, with an intense color and shine and a strong cocoa flavor. Healthier and of greater nutritional value. Due to its high amount of cocoa, it has a high content of antioxidants, minerals and amino acids responsible for increasing energy, feelings of satiety, well-being and pleasure.

Developed in two types of products:

- Granulated with VHP sugar,

- Zero sugar granules, sweetened with erythritol.

We are a family owned and operated business.





  • 0% TRANS FAT


  • VEGAN.

We are a family owned and operated business.

* zero added sugar : only for zero sugar chocolates

Barras de Chocolate 1,01 kg 

 As barras de chocolate 1,01 kg foram desenvolvidas para as suas receitas ficarem ainda mais gostosas e saudáveis.

 Fabricadas somente com chocolates puros, sem gorduras hidrogenadas, sem diluidor, sem aditivos químicos e sem conservantes.

Desenvolvido em vários tipos de chocolate para todos os gostos, do chocolate mais suave ao muito amargo:

 - Ao Leite de Coco Zero Açúcar (adoçado com maltirol)

 - Chocolate Branco Ao Leite de Coco Zero Açúcar (adoçado com eritritol)

 - Chocolate 50% Cacau Sem Adição de Açúcares

 - Chocolate 54% Cacau

 - Chocolate 70% Cacau Zero Açúcar (adoçado com eritritol)

 - Chocolate 70% Cacau com Açúcar Mascavo

- Chocolate 100% Cacau Sem Adição de Açúcares (Líquor).


  Os chocolates zero açúcares são adoçados com maltitol ou eritritol (adoçantes naturais)Produtos adoçados com Eritritol (adoçante natural) são muito melhor absorvido pelo corpo, baixo carboidrato e muito usado para dietas low carb e excelente para diabéticos.









* zero adição de açúcares: somente para os chocolates zero açúcar

*para maiores informações nutricionais, favor entrar em contato

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Barra de Chocolate Ao Leite de Coco Zero Açúcar
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Mini Alpino de Chocolate Branco

Mini Alpino -

embalagem 1,05 kg e 100 g

 O Mini Alpino é um chocolate de sabor intenso e super saboroso, fabricado em quatro (4) tipos de chocolate:

  •  Ao Leite Zero Açúcar

  • 70% Cacau

  • 70% Cacau Zero Açúcar

  • Chocolate Branco

 Não usamos Xarope de Cacau, Licor de Cacau, Conservantes ou Aditivos Químicos (sorbato de potássio, benzoato de sódio e etc).

 O Mini Alpino Ao Leite Zero Açúcar e Chocolate Branco NÃO CONTÉM GLÚTEN, Sem Conservantes e Sem Gordura Trans. ALÉRGICOS: CONTÉM DERIVADOS DE SOJA E LEITE.

O Mini Alpino 70% Cacau e 70% Cacau Zero Açúcar NÃO CONTÉM GLÚTEN, Sem Lactose, Sem Conservantes, Sem Gordura Trans e Vegano. ALÉRGICOS: CONTÉM DERIVADOS DE SOJA. PODE CONTER TRAÇOS DE LEITE.

Os produtos Zero Açúcar são adoçados com stévia e maltitol (adoçantes naturais).

*para mais informações nutricionais, favor entrar em contato.

Damasco Meio Coberto com Chocolate 70% Cacau

embalagem 2,0 kg

 O damasco meio coberto é uma combinação perfeita com o Chocolate 70% cacau, pois o damasco é uma fruta seca deliciosa e quando mistura com chocolate o sabor fica irresistível.

 NÃO CONTÉM GLÚTEN, Sem Lactose, Sem Conservantes, Sem Gordura Trans e Vegano.

Ingredientes: chocolate 70% Cacau (massa de cacau, açúcar, manteiga de cacau, pó de cacau, emulsificante ésteres de ácido ricinoleico interesterificados com poliglicerol e lecitina de soja, aromatizante natural de baunilha) e damasco.


*para mais informações nutricionais, favor entrar em contato.

Damasco coberto inteiro com Chocolate Branco

Whole apricot covered with Chocolate - 1.05 kg pack

We are a family owned and operated business.

Delicious Turkish DAMASK covered with intense flavor chocolate, developed for people who like to mix fruits with chocolate. Super healthy and tasty product to indulge the desire to eat candy without guilt.

DAMASCO is covered with three types of chocolate: Milk Zero Sugar, 70% Cocoa and 70% Cocoa Zero Sugar.

We do not use Cocoa Syrup, Cocoa Liquor, Preservatives or Chemical Additives (potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, etc.).

Apricot covered with Zero Sugar Milk chocolate DOES NOT CONTAIN GLUTEN , No Preservatives and No Trans Fat.

The Damascus covered with Chocolate 70% Cocoa and 70% Cocoa Zero Sugar DOES NOT CONTAIN GLUTEN , No Lactose, No Preservatives, No Trans Fat and Vegan.

Zero Sugar products are sweetened with stevia and maltitol (natural sweeteners).

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

* for more nutritional information, please contact us.

Banana Raisin in Pieces (5 cm) covered with Chocolate - emb 1,05 kg

Banana Passa is covered with two types of chocolate: Milk Zero Sugar and 70% Cocoa.

We do not use Cocoa Syrup, Cocoa Liquor, Preservatives or Chemical Additives (potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, etc.).

Banana Passes to Zero Sugar Milk DOES NOT CONTAIN GLUTEN, No Preservatives and No Trans Fat.

Banana Passes 70% Cocoa CONTAINS NO GLUTEN, No Lactose, No Preservatives, No Trans Fat and Vegan.

Zero Sugar products are sweetened with stevia and maltitol (natural sweeteners).

We are a family owned and operated business.

* For more nutritional information, please contact us.

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Banana passa coberta com Chocolate 70% Cacau
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Pingo de Chocolate Branco

Drop of Milk Chocolate Zero Sugar - pack 1.05 kg

We are a family owned and operated business.

Pingo de Chocolate is made with Zero Sugar Sugar milk chocolate .

We do not use Cocoa Syrup, Cocoa Liquor, Preservatives or Chemical Additives (potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, etc.).

Pingo ao Leite Zero Sugar DOES NOT CONTAIN GLUTEN, No Preservatives and No Trans Fat.

We are a family owned and operated business.

* For more nutritional information, please contact us.

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Orange strips covered with

Chocolate 70% Cocoa - pack 1.05 kg

We are a family owned and operated business.

Strips of dehydrated oranges covered with 70% cocoa chocolate, developed for those who like a chocolate with dried fruits, with an intense and super healthy flavor.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Ingredients: Chocolate 70% Cocoa (cocoa mass, crystal sugar, cocoa butter, soy lecithin emulsifier, (INS322), gum arabic, shellac, vanilla flavor) and orange strip.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

* For more nutritional information, please contact us.

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Língua de Gato de Chocolate Ao Leite Zero Açúcar

Cat Tongue - 1.05 kg pack

We are a family owned and operated business.

Chocolate in the shape of a Cat's tongue, for those who love chocolate this product was developed for you. Healthy chocolate, intense flavor that melts in your mouth.

Chocolate developed in four types of chocolate: Ao Leite Zero Açúcar, 70% Cocoa, 70% Cocoa Zero Sugar and White Chocolate.

Chocolate Cat tongue with Milk and White sugar Zero Sugar DOES NOT CONTAIN GLUTEN , No Preservatives and No Trans Fat.

Chocolate Tongue of Cat with Chocolate 70% Cocoa and 70% Zero Sugar Cocoa DOES NOT CONTAIN GLUTEN , No Lactose, No Preservatives, No Trans Fat and Vegan.

Zero Sugar products are sweetened with stevia and maltitol (natural sweeteners).

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

* for more nutritional information, please contact us.

Tâmara coberta com Chocolate 70% Cacau Zero Açúcar - embalagem 1,05 kg e 100 g.

 Tâmara coberta com um delicioso Chocolate 70% Cacau Zero Açúcar que ficou uma combinação perfeita com o doce da tâmara e o amargo do chocolate.

Ingredientes: Chocolate 70% zero açúcar (massa de cacau, maltitol, cacau em pó, manteiga de cacau, emulsificante de lecitina de soja (INS322), e aroma natural de baunilha) e tâmara.

 A Tâmara coberta com Chocolate 70% Cacau Zero Açucar  NÃO CONTÉM GLÚTEN, Sem Lactose, Sem Conservantes, Sem Gordura Trans e Vegano. ALÉRGICOS: CONTÉM DERIVADOS DE SOJA. PODE CONTER TRAÇOS DE LEITE.

*para mais informações nutricionais, favor entrar em contato.

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Tâmara recheada com damasco coberta com Chocolate 70% Cacau

Tâmara recheada e coberta com Chocolate 70% Cacau embalagem 2,0 kg

 A Tâmara coberta com Chocolate já é uma delícia, mas que tal ficar ainda mais gostosa? Então resolvemos rechear ela com dois (2) tipos:

  • Damasco

  • Nozes

Ingredientes do Chocolate 70% Cacau: massa de cacau, açúcar, manteiga de cacau, pó de cacau, emulsificante ésteres de ácido ricinoleico interesterificados com poliglicerol e lecitina de soja, aromatizante natural de baunilha.

 A Tâmara recheada e coberta com Chocolate 70% Cacau  NÃO CONTÉM GLÚTEN, Sem Lactose, Sem Conservantes, Sem Gordura Trans e Vegano.



*para mais informações nutricionais, favor entrar em contato.

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